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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-03-18  浏览次数:15


After a more detailed analysis of the "near North structure" area (corresponding to the star team in the left figure of Figure 3) about 10000 light-years away from the sun and 16000 light-years vertically from the silver plate plane, based on the data of star age available in LAMOST, the researchers carved a time evolution sequence for this Star team called "near North structure", that is, made a prehensive age generalization for this star team 






It is found that there are young and old members of this stellar family with large age distribution span, but they are relatively young in general. At the same time, it is found that the "north near structure" can be detected by humans with a "survival time" of about 6 billion years (as shown in Figure 5), that is to say, scientists have calculated that this asymmetric "north near structure" exists for about 6 billion years, and then it will "end." Stars scattered. Because with the increase of the age of the star, the speed of the star disperses, and after about 6 billion years of existence, the team of stars may disband itself.



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