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Why is it difficult for basic research to "try by God"? It's hard to block and count. Everything comes to him who waits. In 2011, they won a chance to fly on board, developed products to meet the requirements of the satellite platform in two years, and passed a series of experiments and demonstrations. On November 25, 2013, they launched with a satellite! Their joy is unspeakable and can only be expressed in tears. This is the first flight verification of this type of space inertial sensor in China, which is still in normal operation after 7 years.
based on the verification of a large number of key technologies of gravitational wave detection in the laboratory, Luo Jun put forward the "tianqin plan" in March 2014, which plans to build a gravitational wave observatory in space to detect gravitational waves, challenging the most cutting-edge and scientific research peak in the world today.