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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期: 2025-03-17 00:04   来源:http://www.baidu.com/  作者:无忧资讯  浏览次数:30
核心提示:三年半前,时任波士顿市议员的吴恬敏(Michelle Wu)首次提出了改造波士顿规划与发展局(Boston Planning and Development Agency)

三年半前,时任波士顿市议员的吴恬敏(Michelle Wu)首次提出了改造波士顿规划与发展局(Boston Planning and Development Agency)的计划。如今,波士顿市议会朝着实现市长的愿景迈出了第一步,即重组波士顿的建筑方式。

周三,议员们以11票赞成、2票反对的投票结果推进了吴的自治请愿,如果该请愿获得通过,将废除波士顿重建局(Boston Redevelopment Authority)和波士顿经济发展工业公司(Economic Development Industrial Corporation of Boston),在法律上正式建立该机构为BPDA,该机构自2016年以来一直被称为BPDA。











“我认为这最终是一个非常漫长的过程中的第一步,以确保我们恢复波士顿市的权力,以及我们的选民在城市规划和发展方面的权力,”议员肯德拉·劳拉(Kendra Lara)周三谈到自治请愿书时说。


Similar to a rising skyscraper, Wu will have to move brick by brick.

She reiterated Wednesday the vote was only one piece of a multi-year-long process to retool the BPDA, with steps that include not only zoning reform, but also organizational changes within the agency.

Part of that latter component includes transferring the over 250 employees of the currently quasi-public BPDA onto the City Hall payroll.

City Council President Ed Flynn said a key part of these transitions needs to include an open dialogue with residents to ensure the public knows and understands what exactly these changes mean, especially for public employees.

"Employees of EDIC are asking about how this impacts them and their retirement. I think those are important questions," Flynn added. "We still have a lot of work to do on that issue and making sure that employees at the BPDA, EDIC are treated fairly during this process."

Wu has also begun some of the work that does not require weigh in from the Legislature.

In January, she signed an executive order to create the Planning Advisory Council to begin considering changes to the planning code and moving planning operations from the BPDA to a newly established City Planning and Design Department.

Wu said BPDA staff is also now wrapping up various neighborhood planning processes. The takeaways from each will be codified into zoning policies.

Of course, the home-rule petition is also not yet law.

State lawmakers will have to sign off to formally abolish the BRA, since the agency was initially created by both the Boston City Council and the state Legislature over six decades ago.

City officials will soon be watching closely how things shake up at the State House, not only for the future of the BPDA, but also a second, monumental home-rule petition filed by Wu that the council passed in a separate 11-2 vote Wednesday. (Councilors Frank Baker and Erin Murphy opposed both proposals.)

That petition would bring rent stabilization to Boston, capping annual rent increases at 10%, at most, among other renter protections.

Home-rule petitions have a track record of little success, historically speaking. But the Wu administration says it has been in communication with the Boston delegation, and Wu emphasized how state lawmakers and city officials represent the same constituents and their concerns.

"I think we all share the urgency in knowing that this can't stand for Boston," the mayor said. "We cannot be a place where people get pushed out from the communities that they want to continue contributing to. So we'll make that case up at the State House, and we are going to go up strong, with a big voice from city government."

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