There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points. 共计50个成就(其中10个是隐藏成就)合计1000点数
Cyber Challenger (20 points)
Complete 100 online Matches 完成100场网络对战
Wavenet... (80 points)
Win 100 total online Matches 取得总计100场网络对战的胜利
Humiliation (10 points)
Get a Flawless Victory in an online Match 在网络对战得到一次完美胜利
Tough Guy! (10 points)
Win an online Match 取得1场网络对战的胜利
Robots Rule! (10 points)
Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax 在街机组队战模式里使用机器人Sektor 和 Cyrax组队
Outstanding! (60 points)
Win 10 Ranked online Matches in a row 在网络对战一口气连胜10场
There Will Be Blood! (40 points)
Spill 10000 pints of blood 涌出10000品脱的鲜血 1 品脱=473.176473 毫升
License to Kill (20 points)
Complete Fatality Trainer 完成终结技训练
Ultimate Respect! (20 points)
Earn 2500 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches 通过一山之王的比赛获得2500尊重点数
You Will Learn Respect! (10 points)
Earn 1000 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches 通过一山之王的比赛获得1000尊重点数
Undertaker (20 points)
Unlock 50% of the Krypt 解锁50%的坟墓
The Krypt Keeper (20 points)
Unlock 100% of the Krypt 所有坟墓解锁
What Does This Button Do (10 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue) 不使用防守完成街机模式 (允许接关)
Fatality! (5 points)
Perform a Fatality! 使用一个终结技
Block This! (10 points)
Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter 使用任何角色完成一套 10连击
The Grappler (10 points)
Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws 施展每个角色的 前、后投技
Halfway There! (5 points)
Complete Story Mode 50% 完成故事模式的50%
Back In Time... (20 points)
Complete Story Mode 100% 完成故事模式
A For Effort (10 points)
Complete Tutorial Mode 完成指南模式
The Competitor (30 points)
Complete 200 Versus matches (online OR offline) 完成200场对战 (联机或线下均可)
Ladder Master (20 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue 使用最难的难度不续关完成街机模式
Don't Jump! (10 points)
Win A Ranked online Match without jumping 不使用跳跃取得1场网络对战的胜利
Where's The Arcade? (10 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter 使用任何角色完成街机模式
Arcade Champion (40 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters 使用所有角色完成街机模式
Finish What You Start! (60 points)
Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters 所有可用角色的施展一次终结技
Tag, You're It! (10 points)
Perform and land a Tag Combo 施展一套组队打击技
These Aren't My Glasses! (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges 完成所有考验视力的挑战
Tower Apprentice (10 points)
Complete 25 Tower missions 完成25个挑战塔任务
Tower Master (20 points)
Complete all Tower missions 完成所有挑战塔任务
Dim Mak! (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges 完成所有考验你的攻击的迷你游戏
I'm Not Dead Yet! (20 points)
Comeback with under 10% health in an online Ranked Match 网战中在血槽低于10%的窘境中绝地反击
e-X-cellent! (10 points)
Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray attack 成功的施展每个可用角色的X光攻击技
There Can Be only One! (20 points)
Win 10 King of the Hill Matches in a row 在一山之王的比赛取得10连胜
Throws Are For Champs (20 points)
Perform 8 throws in an online Ranked Match 在网络对战中一场比赛使用8次投技
Turtle! (20 points)
Win both rounds with timer running out in an online Ranked Match 在网络对战中每局都使用时间耗尽的龟缩战术取得比赛胜利
My Kung Fu Is Strong (20 points)
Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter 增益通达一个角色的技巧
My Kung Fu Is Stronger (60 points)
Gain Mastery of All Fighters 增益通达所有角色的技巧
I "Might" Be the Strongest (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges 完成所有考验力量的迷你游戏
Luck Be A Lady (10 points)
Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck 在考验运气的迷你游戏中得到所有MK龙
You've Got Style! (20 points)
Unlock all Alternate Costumes 解锁所有替换服装
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