usdt跑分系统APP开发,跑分系统usdt平台源码搭建联系专业开发人士【瞿经理 187~9745~6029 微电】承兑商usdt跑分通道搭建,承兑商跑分平台系统定制搭建,usdt跑分系统APP开发,承兑商平台对接,用户充值支付,订单匹配码商代收等功能详情开发。
Sonnet is a type of poem consisting of one single fourteen-line stanza. It was perfected by
the Italian poet in the 13th century and introduced into England in the early 16th century.
English sonnets, in terms of structure, largely fall into two classes: the Petrarchian or Italian form and the
2、等待匹配交易商户的平台对接后,商户平台的玩家充值 输入金额后 匹配承兑商的出售广告,匹配成功后(匹配成功后承兑商的USDT处于冻结状态) 进入订单支付页面
3、商户平台玩家需要在15分钟内按订单页面的支付信息打款给承兑商(时间超过 将会取消订单)
5、承兑商直接在系统充值USDT币作为押金,才能上传自己的收款码,用户发起支付,系统会根据金额匹配在线的承兑商,用户充值扫描承兑商的收款码并支付,系统会扣除承兑商的USDT余额,管理员根据订单金额提现 USDT,再发给商户。
Sonnet is a type of poem consisting of one single fourteen-line stanza. It was perfected by
the Italian poet in the 13th century and introduced into England in the early 16th century.
English sonnets, in terms of structure, largely fall into two classes: the Petrarchian or Italian form and the
备注:想要了解更多的关于承兑商平台对接,通道支付流程,码商代收代付功能等相关详解联系专业人士【瞿经理 187~9745~6029 微电】